How Mai Learned to Express Himself
Weh Yeoh explains how speech therapy is helping Mai to express himself with his family...
Unseen, Unheard Campaign
OIC is taking the stories of 20 children with speech problems to the UN...
How Speech Therapy Helps Sota
How speech therapy helps Sota swallow more safely and communicate more clearly....
Speech Therapy Visual Aids
Visual aids help children with communication disability learn how to use language...
OIC Cambodia – Our Work
OIC works to support people with communication disability receive speech therapy...
Day Without Speech
Day Without Speech is a fun, easy challenge for you and others to give up speaking....
Speak Up for Cambodia: Education for All
Pledge your birthday and help change lives. It's easy. Instead of gifts, ask for donations....
Speak Up for Cambodia: Education for All
This is the biggest fundraising campaign in Cambodia for children with communication difficulties....
Disability Worker in Cambodia
She's a reason why I still believe that we can do great things in global development...
Disability in Cambodia Is Not a Priority
An open letter to organisations in Cambodia that don’t fund disability-focused projects...
Whydev Interview With Weh Yeoh
I never wanted to go to Cambodia and create another organisation for the sake of it....
5 Ways to Avoid Founderitis
Five ways to avoid founder’s syndrome or founderitis. It can be a huge problem if left unchecked. ...
Healthcare Gap in Cambodia
In international development, there are needs that are being addressed and forgotten....
Volunteering in Cambodia
Speech therapist Luisa Russo shares her volunteering experience with OIC....